A history of Monatrix
Monatrix was founded in July 2003 by Paul Gillings, Monatrix is derivative of the Latin word ‘Admonitrix’ meaning to...
The 6 technology trends affecting the security sector in 2023 – AXIS
The fact that technology has become pervasive in our personal and work lives is not news. This is largely due to the...
Monatrix Celebrates 20 Year Anniversary and Team Updates
This month marks the 20th anniversary of Monatrix Limited. Our company wouldn’t be what it is today without the...
The Rise of Smart Offices
A smart office is a workplace that has been designed to be more efficient and productive. It is an office that has been...
3 Ways A.I. Can Improve Your Security System
You can’t approach security as an afterthought. You need to understand the risks and threats in your environment, as...
What is Proptech? – The rise of Proptech and What it means for your Business?
As technology continues to transform our world, we’re seeing new innovations in almost every industry. This is...
Enhance Existing Systems With Cloud Security
Security systems are a big investment for any size organisation. With security risks and vulnerabilities constantly...
Advancing Access Control Webinar Recording
Reliable mobile access control with smart video and intercom capabilities, cloud-based software, and an open ecosystem....
A simple guide to Cloud Based CCTV systems
This article is part of our ongoing series on the benefits of cloud-based electronic security products. Video...